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Voice for Prisoners is a Hong Kong-registered non-profit organisation since 2018. Your contribution to Voice for Prisoners is tax-deductible and goes straight to funding our anti-drug trafficking campaign, radio programme and educational grants for prisoners. 



Please make your cheque payable to “Voice for Prisoners Limited” and mail to:

GPO Box 9148, General Post Office, Hong Kong


Bank deposit


You may also make direct deposits into our bank. Please notify us after your transaction via the form below or by mailing the transaction record/bank receipt.


Bank: HSBC

Account name: Voice for Prisoners Limited

Account number: 741-178420-838


Contact Voice for Prisoners to donate, learn more about our work and find out how you can get involved.


P.S. We are always looking for pro-bono administrative assistance, fundraisers, event organisers, translators, and more...

Thank you for writing to us. We’ll get back to you soon.

P.O.Box 9148, General Post Office, Hong Kong

Voice for Prisoners Limited is a registered charitable institution exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance as of 23 August 2018.
©2022 by Voice for Prisoners Limited. PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE

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